A Trip to Tongo Hills
Another busy week down in Sagnarigu with 2 appearances on 2 different radio stations to raise awareness about various Human Rights issues. We have our second awareness raising event in our communities next week so like to do as much promotion as possible. Furthermore, as International Service is a human rights-based charity focussing on women, children and people with disabilities, it is a development area that is central to our purpose here. So far, we have covered areas like culture vs human rights, children’s rights (e.g. education, labour and protection), mental health rights and the right to justice. This Friday was the end of week 6 of 10 for this cohort. In keeping with tradition, both groups currently in Ghana, met in Bolgatanga for our mid-term event to discuss our progress so far, share ideas and just generally see how everyone was doing. It was great to see everyone, and we got to have our cultural visit to nearby Tongo Hills as a reward for the afternoon. As usu...