End of my South Indian Adventure
Home now and sorting my life out in preparation for my next adventure which is when I will next update my blog. Christmas is intense and it is unreasonably cold but it is lovely seeing everyone and catching up. Living in India for 3 months was the best time of my life and has just made me want to travel more. My world seems so much smaller now and since I only get one shot at this life I need to make it worth while. Tamil Nadu is a beautiful country, rich with culture and breathtaking scenery. I loved meeting all the people and getting to know more about their way of life. During my time there I taught classes that reached over 1,000 students and our events reached over 1,400 people covering vector bourne disease, sanitation, dental, HIV, diabetes, hypertension etc. After having time to reflect I understand that while volunteering in different countries I want to make a difference but I also maintain want to their way of life, just because it is not the same as the developed w...