Kitchen Garden
One of our targets while in placement is to make a kitchen garden aka alotment. A kitchen garden is supposed to be built in an area where there is stagnant/waste water, the growing plants will utilise the water and without the stagnant water the mosquitoes are unable to breed. This is one of the main reasons why it is almost impossible to stop vector bourne disease as you would have to wipe out all mosquitoes. The vegetables are also good for a healthy lifestyle and income if they sell them. We built our garden in Valipattu school to serve as an example and to encourage children to tend the garden. It took 3 days but felt good to produce something quantifiable.
Our canvas
Tilled the soil and built a little wall
Searched soil for rocks and separated into furrows
Planted and watered
It lives!!!
Our canvas
Tilled the soil and built a little wall
Searched soil for rocks and separated into furrows
Planted and watered
It lives!!!
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