
Showing posts from 2017

Walk 4 - Windy Walk from Pier Head to Otterspool

Last walk today and was joined by the great Moomin. It didn't rain but the wind was so strong we half walked and half blew down the Mersey. This has been a great experience to reflect on myself and the work I will be doing next year. Thanks to everyone who donated and reads my blog. I probably won't post again until departure next year so hope to see you then!   The liver buildings and the old ferry terminal   Ferry 'cross the Mersey   The Anglican     The prom along with grey sky and grey water, not great scenery for pictures     Plaque     Moomin!     The end .....          

Walk 3 - West Kirby to New Brighton

Today was walk 3 of my 4 walks 4 rights over 4 days. I got the bus to town and then the train to West Kirby to start my walk around the coast to New Brighton. The weather was in my favour and I had my wooly hat to stop my hair blowing about and trying to suffocate me. I found it mentally and physically exhausting which I wasn't expecting. I didn't realise how hard this would be on my body and pushing myself to keep going all the way instead of lying down face first on the floor is a proud moment of mine. I am at 44% of my target after today and hoping to hit 50% on my 4th and last walk tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the pictures.   West Kirby Marina     Thumbs up!     The corner     Horse galloping on the beach     Pirate ship!     A bay     Getting closer!     The mouth of the Mersey     New Brighton Marina                    

Walk 2 - Home to town for vaccinations and back

2 walks down and 2 to go. I needed to get some vaccinations from a MASTA clinic in town today so decided it would be appropriate to walk into town and back to get something that could potentially save my life because there many parts of the world were people would have to do just that to save their own lives or the lives of their children. Mum decided to come along for support so we set off about 9am and arrived in town for 11.30am (15 mins before my appointment, good timing), had a break and then arrived back home at 4pm. I think I overestimated my stamina as my legs and feet are aching so much, my left arm hurts from a yellow fever vaccine and the right from hepatitis A/B vaccine. However, I am DETERMINED I will complete all my walks even if it's at a slower pace. More updates tomorrow, hope you enjoy the pictures from today. The new Alder Hey hospital, I am still amused by the lawns running up the roof. Getting closer, the Metropolitan Cathedral!     The bombe

Walk 1 - Rivington Pike and Winter Hill

Home now with wet feet and feeling sleepy but had a lovely day out in Rivington Pike. Got a call today to say my departure date has been moved from January 8th to February 6th which complicates a few job related things but I was told at interview it could change a month either way. The Malawian manager of IS will be in the UK in January for a staff briefing so it makes no sense for me and my team to there while the manager is here. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Walk up the terraced gardens, shockingly it had been raining here too!   Some sheep being herded   Walked across the marsh/bog from Rivington Pike to Winter Hill. This was more of an ordeal than I expected as the ground was very soggy and I kept sinking. There was also an unpleasant aroma that reminded me of the bog of eternal stench from Labyrinth.     Walked over to a pile of rocks that I assume marks the summit. You can see the area I walked across from left to right.     This was my favour

4 Walks 4 Days 4 Rights

Tomorrow I start the first day of my fundraising activity #4walksrightsdays. I hope the weather is decent but I will be walking either way lol, Mum might even join me for a few. Here are some of the details below if you're interested. My plan is to post pictures of my walks with facts about humans rights in Malawi to raise awareness of what life is like out there.   Walk 1 - Drive to Bolton and then walk up to Rivington Pike and on to Winter Hill and back. I loved doing this walk when I was younger but only walked as far as Winter Hill once and it was hard!     Walk 2 - I have an appointment for my vaccinations so in the spirit of raising awareness, I am seeing what it could be like to have to walk all that way and back for something that could potentially save your life. It won't come close to the lives they live in Malawi but I will only see this first hand when I am there next year.      Walk 3 - West Kirby to New Brighton but I will be walking al

A Makeover and Return to Touring.

Exactly 3 years ago today I was starting my ICS volunteer programme in India. It changed my life and the lives of the community we worked in, where ICS continues to support to this day. Anyone can volunteer for ICS twice, once as a participant (which I did in India) and again as a Team Leader. I am super pleased to say that I have just been accepted as Team Leader to work in Africa starting January 2018 for 6 months. As part of my placement, I am asked to fundraise £800 to aid in the continuation of International Citizen Service. Many of you donated last time and without your support I wouldn’t be living a life that I love right now. If you are passionate about supporting projects in the developing world or just want to show support for me personally then please visit my JustGiving page ( ) and contribute if you are able. Thanks!