Walk 3 - West Kirby to New Brighton

Today was walk 3 of my 4 walks 4 rights over 4 days. I got the bus to town and then the train to West Kirby to start my walk around the coast to New Brighton. The weather was in my favour and I had my wooly hat to stop my hair blowing about and trying to suffocate me. I found it mentally and physically exhausting which I wasn't expecting. I didn't realise how hard this would be on my body and pushing myself to keep going all the way instead of lying down face first on the floor is a proud moment of mine. I am at 44% of my target after today and hoping to hit 50% on my 4th and last walk tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

West Kirby Marina
Thumbs up!
The corner
Horse galloping on the beach
Pirate ship!
A bay
Getting closer!
The mouth of the Mersey
New Brighton Marina


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