Last Day of my First Working Week

Well as the title said, it's Friday! Working on powerpoints and experiments for our first classes today. The first group have been pushed back a week so another planning week next week to get all the i's and t's sorted. Sat by the pool in the sun for lunch break, reading. After work at 6pm, I went for a walk with Leo (dog) out the right side of the camp and around the mountainside into a small valley. Trying to explore a decent amount of the local area after work everyday but before it gets dark about 7pm. If I get stranded out here no one will hear me! Came back and went for tapas in the only pub in Casas del Rio. Lovely selection of food including calamari and pigs tails. My roommate is away for the weekend for her anniversary so I have the room to myself. Lie in and long walk are my only plans tomorrow. 

Pretty tree, that's about it.

View from the path

The path 

Big drop

First tapas! 


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