The Hounds of Moragete

Another day of office preparation for the students next week. Almost through my powerpoints and am going up to the lab to record some experiments tomorrow. Thank goodness I brought a tri-pod or I would have melted my camera or face by now. Getting into a nice routine of meals, walk straight after work and then evening of relaxing. The dogs follow me now in constant hope of me venturing off into the wilderness and worrying I am going to leave them behind. It's nice to have the company and they are so energetic and cute.

Vito - the quiet one who can sneak up like a ninja when he wants food. Always bouncing off the beaten path and the one who I loose for the longest, 15 minutes is the record so far.

Leo - Apparently he looked like a lion when he was a puppy and grew bigger than they expected. He is a massive puppy and gets sad he can't be picked up like the rest or that you go flying when he bounds into you. He is the most attentive on a walk though and always comes back to check on me or walk with me. 

Chiheatas (pronouced Theheatas) - the youngest and smallest of the 3 (about Dachshund size). He can really run when the mood takes him or there is a car that has offended his honour. Such a cute face and he is so soft and fluffy! Loves giving kisses if you pick him up for a cuddle. Sometimes makes it hard to get work done as he stands up and pads at my leg if he feels neglected for longer than a few minutes. 


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